This has been a wild semester, full of some unlikely work. The most unusual was perhaps my #SelfieClass, which was covered in the LA Times, BBC, and XinHua, thanks to this amazing press release.
BIG NEWS: As of June 1, the book I co-authored with Jessica Pressman and Jeremy Douglass is out from Iowa Press! Reading Project: a collaborative analysis of William Poundstone’s Project for Tachistoscope {Bottomless Pit} makes the argument that digital humanities scholarship requires more intensive collaboration. In the book, we three authors write as a team, each contributing our preferred methodology. Mine is, of course, reading the code. This is a beautiful edition that is the fruit of over 6 years of collaboration.
Some recent Publications
- A special issue of Hyperrhiz, focusing on netprov, an issue I guest edited with Rob Wittig
- A special issue of CLCWeb, focusing on e-lit, an issue I guest edited with Maya Zalbidea and Asun Lopez-Varela
- An essay: “The Racial Formation of Chatbots” in special issue of CLCWeb
Forthcoming Presentations
- Performance and presentation at Machine Dreams: a Symposium on Robots, Arts, and Difference organized by Margaret Rhee and others, June 11-12 at UCLA
- Presenting ACLS Workbench and Mrs. Wobbles at ELO in Bergen, Norway, Aug 4-7