Good news. The Critical Code Studies book is out!
This spring brings the publication of my new book Critical Code Studies (MIT Press). That coincides with the 6th biennial Critical Code Studies Working Group! We’re giving Salt Immortal Sea its own website complete with teaching materials. The kids and I are at work on Mrs. Wobbles 5, “The Land Down Under,” which my daughter is directing. Meanwhile, the Buzzademia editors, Kim Knight and Anne Cong-Huyen, and I just launched our special issue of Hyperrhiz. And I’ve returned my attention to the musical! UPDATE: The kids and I have started writing a webcomic called Coronation about our family’s experience during the Corona Virus quarantine.
Recent Publications
- Critical Code Studies (MIT Press, March 10).
- Coronation, a webcomic, telling the tale of my family’s experience of the Corona virus quarantine, excerpts published in QuaranZine
- Article about writing the Critical Code Studies book in just one year (sort of)
- Relaunched site for Critical Code Studies
- Fantasy Spoils: After the Quest, our Spring Netprov! Running through April
- Buzzademia: special issue of hyperrhiz.
- Destination Wedding 2070, a netprov, on display in Streaming exhibit at Calit2 gallery at UC San Diego.
- Flight of the CodeMonkeys, a new interactive fiction work that lets you monkey around in the code in this year’s IFComp, and published in the Spring issue of New River Journal.
- Spy E.Y.E., the latest episode of Mrs. Wobbles & the Tangerine House
- Monstrous Weather: A Twine Version of our epic summer netprov.
- Machine Learning Breakfast Club: a netprov about a summer school for troubled algorithms with Rob Wittig
- Launched a new archive Website for the LA Flood Project
- My e-signature novel is up to line 91. Email me for one.
- Hosting the 2020 Critical Code Studies Working Group
- Speaking at Cultured Data Symposium at University of San Diego
- Guest Lecture at San Diego State Univesity
In the News
- I discuss satire, netprov, and Occupy MLA on the EdSurge podcast.
- I gave some advice in the LA Times on how to host a quarantine Zoom party.
- I have been settling into my position as Probationary Provost of UnderAcademy College.
- Was quoted in an LA Times article on Snitch-Tagging.