2021 Spring update

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This spring has lots of new directions. With the publication of Critical Code Studies (MIT Press), I have been now turning my attention to helping explore CCS with others in two specific projects: a special issue of Digital Humanities Quarterly that I’m editing with frequent collaborator Jeremy Douglass and an Anti-Racist Critical Code Studies Reading Group that I’m coordinating with Jeremy, Sarah Ciston, and Zach Mann.

This Spring’s netprov will be a ten-year anniversary return to Grace, Wit & Charm! John, Joellyn, Ken, and I are happy to see Salt Immortal Sea translated into French. We are going to continue to develop the website with teaching materials. The kids and I are continuing our webcomic called Coronation about our family’s experience during the Corona Virus quarantine. I’m using the quarantine/homestay time to also explore virtual reality a bit. (More news to come on that front.)

Speaking of the kids, we have also been working on two card games. One is the Dad Jokes game continues my fascination with paternal groaners that I explored in the UnderAcademy Course. This past year, we released Mrs. Wobbles 5, “The Land Down Under,” which my daughter dreamed up. Next stop “Got to your Room” and my son’s story “Action Figures.”

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