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Course Syllabus
Summer Seminar: Grammar Porn
Visiting Crescit Caput Mark Marino
Office: Lower Pig Belly Hall 201
Course Overview:

In this course, students will put the langue back in language, exploring the libidinal qualities of grammatical intercourse. Punctuated by ecstatic exclamations. Sessions will lead participants down the lurid garden path sentences into the zones of desire and declension.

[Note: If you suspect that this course is merely an opportunity to make tawdry puns about punctuation, well, you may very well be right.]

This course will earn you 3 under units towards your Certrificatus Maximus, which you can exchange for a few kroner cents off a medium-sized drink

We will hold class here and in the Google Group which you will all be added to. Feel free to post in both place or to let the group know when you've added something new to the blog. I will post 1 writing game a day for the first week. They can be completed at any time during the course or whenever. Or you can skip them and do something else.

Following the UnderAcademy ethos: you are the teacher, the TA, the Trustee, the student on sports scholarship. Sign up to give a lecture during one of the days and post it to the blog. Create an assignment or game for others to join in on about behind before. Phone in your lectures and skip all the reading assignments. Pad your CV with UnderAcademy titles. Whatever.

Orifice Hours:
I will hold spontaneous Google Hangouts throughout the weeks announced via the listserv, but since you are the teachers, you can hold them, too, wherever you'd like.

[Students can only take this class Pass/Pass Out]
69% Deep Participation
31% Allows me to make that previous and utterly obvious joke.

Day 1:
Lecture: My one and only lecture of the course Introductions, ice breakers, snap judgments

Days 2-6:
Assignments and Exercises
A butt load of exercises, grammar sex games, frivolity, Bacchanalia.

Day 7-13 Pandemonium [As you Like it]