Friday: How Did Last Night's Warm-Up Date Go?

1) Find out which quadruple the Mesos put you in!
Search for your name in this document and see your quadruple assignment.

2) Pretend all four of you went on a date last night.
Post in your quadruple’s thread/discussion in the Warm-Up Date category.
Share (imagine/invent) how your date went from your perspective.
Build on each other’s account, and/or contradict each other about the nuances.
Was it comfortable? Awkward?
What went right? What went wrong?
Are you a Thermophile who needs Love? Watch our Intro Video
Read How to Play
You can read about the 5 Genders here
or find out which Gender you are most like here.
Let your personality shine in public posts and comments only
(no private conversations!)
so the Mesos can put you in the perfect quadruple later in the week!

How to Play

You’re stuck with your own kind in your own temperature zone, lookin’ for love. Gotta get out and meet those perfect three!

Easiest Play:

Just hang out in the Hot Springs and post at Will

Easy Play:

Post 4 messages each day. A message is at least 2 sentences long.
Get Quadrupled and join the 2 Dates (Must join by Thursday)

Full Play (with Daily Activities):

NOTE: These are suggested minimum writing assignments for a class with lots of time. Feel free to adjust your assignments as you see fit.

Day 1: Getting Started, Mon Oct 31

Get your gender assignment (link on registration page); take the first one you get!
Set up your profile, answer the profile questions
Be sure to put your gender before your name and connect them with an underscore: e.g. Fac_Merases
Write in your gender forum/category! Write in one of the discussion forum/categories! Ask questions of cells you might be interested in! Let your personality shine!
Post minimum one message and one reply in your gender forum/category
Post minimum one message and one reply in one of the discussion forums/categories

Day 2: Breaking the Ice, Tue Nov 1

Is anyone catching your attention? Engage them in a dialogue! Weigh in with your opinion in one of the discussions!
Post minimum one message and one reply in your gender-type forum/category
Post minimum one message and one reply in one of the discussion forums/categories

Day 3: Getting to Know You… and You and You, Wed Nov 2

So . . . this isn’t exactly flirting, since the Mesos choose the quadruples, but it IS a chance for you to show your stuff! Ask questions! Answer questions!
Play with both the empowering and limiting aspects of your assigned gender. Make the gender characterization more extreme. How does it feel?
Post minimum one message and one reply in your gender-type forum/category
Post minimum one message and one reply in one of the discussion forums/categories

Day 4: Last Chance to Impress! Thu Nov 3

Mesos will assign quadruples by end of day
Who’s going to be in your quadruple? Do you want to suggest anyone to a Meso? Keep chatting and finding out. Aim for lasting happiness!
Post minimum one message and two replies in your gender-type forum/category
Post minimum one message and two replies in one of the discussion forums/categories

Day 5: Last Night’s Warm-Up Date — How Did it Go? Fri Nov 4

Check for your quadruple assignation at the top of the Warm-Up Date forum/category
Share (imagine/invent) how your date went from your perspective. Build on each other’s account, or contradict each other. Was it comfortable? Awkward? What went right? What went wrong?
Post minimum one message and two replies your quadruple’s thread/discussion in the Warm-Up Date forum/category

Day 6: Last Night’s Big Date — Dreamy or Disastrous?, Sat Nov 5

Is your Meso tinkering with your quad?
How did this date go? Build on each other’s account, or contradict each other. Was it comfortable? Awkward? What went right? What went wrong?
Post minimum one message and two replies in your quadruple’s thread/discussion in The Big Date forum/category

Day 7: Debriefing, Sun Nov 6

Post one message in character about the experience of the week in the Thermophile
Debriefing forum/category
Post one message as yourself about the experience of playing this netprov in the Netprov
Debriefing forum/category

Optional Larp

A larp will be released on Nov 1st that can be played at any time. The larp is a one-hour stand alone piece to be played in person, in the classroom.