Friday: How Did Last Night's Warm-Up Date Go?

1) Find out which quadruple the Mesos put you in!
Search for your name in this document and see your quadruple assignment.

2) Pretend all four of you went on a date last night.
Post in your quadruple’s thread/discussion in the Warm-Up Date category.
Share (imagine/invent) how your date went from your perspective.
Build on each other’s account, and/or contradict each other about the nuances.
Was it comfortable? Awkward?
What went right? What went wrong?
Are you a Thermophile who needs Love? Watch our Intro Video
Read How to Play
You can read about the 5 Genders here
or find out which Gender you are most like here.
Let your personality shine in public posts and comments only
(no private conversations!)
so the Mesos can put you in the perfect quadruple later in the week!



Last Active
What are your power times of day? (e.g. Are you a night cell? A morning cell?)
What adjective would a friend use to describe you (as a thermophile)?
Thermophile Gender
“Life is Short, Then You Divide,” the saying goes. What three (3) things do you want to do before you split?
witness a mass extinction, travel a wormhole, macrophagistic orgy


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