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 JORGE LUIS BORGES (1899-1986)

"I am not sure that I exist, actually. I am all the writers that I have read, all the people that I have met, all the women that I have loved; all the cities that I have visited, all my ancestors."
Buenos Aires, Argentina

Taught at home, by his parents; attended school in Geneva.

Other jobs
Librarian (fittingly enough), academic

Did you know?
He honed his literary skills writing yoghurt adverts.

Critical verdict
Borges became a myth in his own lifetime for his mythic riddlings, but never, to the fury of his followers, received the ultimate prize - "Not granting me the Nobel Prize has become a Scandinavian tradition; since I was born they have not been granting it to me."

Recommended works
Labyrinths, a collection of some of his most dazzling stories, is an excellent starting point; a new Collected Works appeared in 1999.

His great loves included Verlaine, Rimbaud, Mallarm�Schopenhauer and Walt Whitman.

Now read on
Italo Calvino, Gabriel Garcia Marquez, Umberto Eco, Salman Rushdie

Several of his short stories have been filmed; the most recent, and well-received, is Death and the Compass (1996), dir. Alex (Repo Man) Cox.

Recommended biography
James Woodall's Borges: A Life is a well-researched guide to the man and his work, and provides political background.


Guardian Unlimited � Guardian News and Media Limited 2007