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Part-time Cook

edited April 2017 in Dishes
Your basket:

Main Ingredients:
girl next door
hidden sign

Spice Pack:
1/4 pinch of fondness
1/3 teaspoon of adoration

When your office is in a desert, you get pretty lonely. As lonely as tilapia which swim alone in Arizona canals and supposedly purify drinking water. I used to cook meth for as long as I remember, but when I met her everything changed. Her girl next door appearance and her peanut-colored complexion made me fall madly in love with her in the first glance. She had had been on her way from Phoenix to Peoria before she gets a flat tire in the middle of nowhere, of course not exactly nowhere, it was somewhere near my meth lab in Arizona desert. I was terrified as hell when she knocked on my door and it was a relief to see that she is not a cop. If I were a religious person, I would have said that this is a hidden sign from God, who has sent an angel to my rescue.
Hi I am lost here and saw your van, could you please take me to some place where I can rent a car to Peoria?
Hi, yes of course, my car is parked there.
Can't we take the van?
Oh no, it's my lab.
Your what?
My lab, I am an experimental novelist. I come here to write in peace and quiet. How about you?
I want to be a legislator. But I love novels. Can you tell me about your novel?

It has been ten years since that meeting. Now we are married, she is an interior designer and I am a part-time cook, part-time novelist.
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