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The Trek to Brunch: A Master Chef Tale

We are the remixers of Arganee. We take what is given to us and transform it..."remix" it if you will into something different.

Instead of writing the story as a narrative, we created an interaction that we are more familiar with...texting.

To add to your experience, you should all know that this story was not written in advance but instead, in true #netnarr fashion, improvised as we went. The conversation was completely organic and we were only given a scene and character names. The personalities of each character were taken on by the remixers as the conversation progressed.

We have created a little video for everyone to enjoy.

Here are our ingredients:

Level: Master Chef
Your basket:
Main Ingredients:
lazy Sunday
whole chicken

Spice Pack:
1/2 dash of triumph
1/4 smidge of depression
1/8 dollop of moodiness
1/3 cup of delight

Video can be found here:

**DISCLAIMER: Video contains adult language, witty banter, and quite the zinger at the end.
Viewer discretion advised.

-Devorah, Laurus Vagus Ambigo, and Ketsunya-
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