We are the remixers of Arganee. We take what is given to us and transform it..."remix" it if you will into something different.
Instead of writing the story as a narrative, we created an interaction that we are more familiar with...texting.
To add to your experience, you should all know that this story was not written in advance but instead, in true
#netnarr fashion, improvised as we went. The conversation was completely organic and we were only given a scene and character names. The personalities of each character were taken on by the remixers as the conversation progressed.
We have created a little video for everyone to enjoy.
Here are our ingredients:
Level: Master Chef
Your basket:
Main Ingredients:
lazy Sunday
whole chicken
Spice Pack:
1/2 dash of triumph
1/4 smidge of depression
1/8 dollop of moodiness
1/3 cup of delight
Video can be found here:
**DISCLAIMER: Video contains adult language, witty banter, and quite the zinger at the end.
Viewer discretion advised.
-Devorah, Laurus Vagus Ambigo, and Ketsunya-