Main Ingredients:
talkshow host
grated coconut
hair extensions
Spice Pack:
1/4 dollop of compassion
1/2 cup of dejection
I’m not a fan of children but my younger cousins seem to rub me the right. That’s why I agree to baby sit them. My younger nieces have a similar sense of humor to me even though they’re over a ten year age difference. They’re normally pleasant to be around now but earlier experiences are far from perfect. I remember the first time I ever agreed to baby sit them.
I get a call from my cousin requesting me to watch her children so she can have a date night. I agreed even though the thought of wasting my night to watch two rambunctious children made me feel weary. I agreed anyways due to the compassionate manor I had towards my cousin. She did look after me when I was little so why not return the favor?
My cousin arrived around six with her children, dropped them off, and wished me luck. Little children always liked e and they weren’t an exception. I put on the television and ran to the kitchen to make the girls a snack. All I really had in the pantry was grapefruit, a bag of greated coconut, sandwitch bread, and penut butter. I decided I would make them a coconut and penutbutter sandwhich with grapefruit slices. The girl were excited about the snack until one took a bite of the grapefruit. Immediate tears followed with the saying, “Why would you do that to me!” I never really realized how gross grapefruit was but the younger cousin didn’t hesitate to let me know. The older one took a bite of the sandwich and a confused expression came on her face. She was not impressed.
After attempting a snack, the girls decided they would rather just watch T.V. Reruns of “Family Feud” were on and I was ok with that until I realized the girls were actually paying attention. I remember hearing the television host ask, “Name toys you don’t want your children to play with.” The girls were intrigued by the word toys but I didn’t want them to hear this. I changed the channel very swiftly which they did not like. Both of them started to throw tantrums and I had no idea how to deal with them. I began offering toys and finding different tv shows but nothing helped. The dejected every idea I pitched.
A few hours passed and they were still mad at me. I was nervous because my cousin was coming soon and I didn’t want her to be disappointed in me for not doing a good job. I heard my cousin’s car pull in the driveway and she began to make her way to the house. Panicked I tried to right my wrong but nothing worked. My cousin came in and I thought for sure I was in trouble. My younger cousins then decided in the moment that nothing was wrong anymore. Both hugged me, kissed me bye, and told there mom how fun I was.
Confused I came to the conclusion: Little children are manipulative.